  Flames of Legend aka Growlithe Master's Growlithe and Arcanine Shrine
Home Page



Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine

Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine 2

Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine 3

Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine 4

Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine 5

Pics of Growlithe and Arcanine 6


Sign My Guest Book

Awards I've Won

About Growlithe Master

Anime Section


10-8-01:Hi! I'm Growlithe Master and this is my first web site and right now everything is under construction. But later I will have information, and pictures on Growlithe and Arcanine and some links. Tomorrow I should have more information. Thanks for
coming to my site anyway.

10-9-01: Today I've added information on Growlithe
and Arcanine.I may add some links and pictures today

10-12-01:I'm sorry that I haven't updated. For some
reason none of my changes are saved and right now
the link page isn't showing what it's supposed to.
Thanks for coming by.

10-15-01-Today I added some links to my website. When you leave please sign my guest book. Also, the first gallery of Growlithe and Arcanine pictures isn't showing the right pictures.

10-16-01-Today I going to try and figure out what's wrong with the first gallery of pictures.

10-18-01-In this update there isn't much I've updated. About 2 days ago I got my first award for my site. It was awarded from Growlitina's Growlithe and Arcanine Shrine. You can see the award by scrolling down this page.

10-21-01-Today I've added a new link to the links page. The site is Growlithe's Fire Gym. On Saturday I added a page showing the awards I've won.

10-22-01-Today I've added a new link to my site and a new awrad. Until later, See Ya!

11-5-01-Today I've added a new section called win my awards and I also added a new banner for my site.

5-15-02-Hi Guys. Sorry I've haven't updated for awhile. I've done some adjustments to the site and added a new section dedicated to my favorite anime characters. Thanx for coming by and please sign my new guestbook.

Disclaimer:Growlithe,Arcanine, and Pokemon are
copyrighted by Nintendo and Game Freak. This
website is just a fan site.

Pokemon Fantasy!

Please Sign My Guestbook

Click on the Howling Growlithe
to Send an E-mail

Topsites I Belong To

This is my Site's First Award